[Python-ideas] Draft PEP on string interpolation

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Aug 24 19:12:11 CEST 2015

On Aug 21, 2015, at 10:52 PM, Mike Miller wrote:

>Which syntax would you rather have for translation?  (Knowing that you might
>give a different answer for standard interpolation.)

For i18n, $-strings (aka PEP 292, string.Template) is by far the best choice.
Translators are very familiar with the syntax, having used it now for many
years (and not just in a Python context), and it's very difficult for
non-technical folks to get wrong.

I don't see any advantages to springing yet another i18n interpolation syntax
on translators, and I definitely don't see the advantage of introducing a
*second* i18n syntax to translators of Python programs.

If that means PEP 498/501 isn't appropriate for Python i18n, so be it.  What
we have now works, even if its implementation requires the use of some
frowned-upon APIs, and the use of function syntax for marking and invocation.

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