[Python-ideas] Learning from the shell in supporting asyncio background calls

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Thu Aug 13 08:48:44 CEST 2015

On 12.08.2015 00:37, Jonathan Slenders wrote:
> Honestly, I don't understand the issue. (Or maybe I'm too tired right 
> now.)
> But I think asyncio is actually very well designed.

Nobody says asyncio is not well designed if that is what you were 
thinking about others who have issues with asyncio were thinking (did 
that make sense?).

> We just have to keep in mind that code is either synchronous or 
> asynchronous. Code that consumes too much CPU or does blocking calls 
> does definitely not belong in an event driven system.

That is exactly what people complain about. They don't like this 
thinking. They don't like this "all in or nothing" attitude.

You may ask why? Because people want to try stuff out. But when in order 
to do so, they need to convert 10 mio lines of code in order to *see 
some results*, it just looks insane to them (looking at you, too, Python 3).

The point is not to have some toy projects show-casting the abilities of 
asyncio, but trying it out among the lines of formerly 100% synchronous 

I am sorry but that is the world we live in, so, we need to compromise; 
otherwise people will disagree and not follow. This is not about doing 
100% right and perfect design but taking people with you on the journey.

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