[Python-ideas] String interpolation for all literal strings

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Aug 7 18:33:42 CEST 2015

On 07.08.2015 18:16, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Aug 07, 2015, at 07:50 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> Not quite. While I won't be entirely clear on Eric's latest proposal
>> until the draft PEP is available, my understanding is that an f-string
>> like:
>>    f"This interpolates \{a} and \{b}"

I like the general idea (we had a similar discussion on this
topic a few years ago, only using i"18n" strings as syntax), but
I *really* don't like the "f" prefix on strings.

f-words usually refer to things you typically don't want in your
code. f-strings are really no better, IMO, esp. when combined
with the u prefix.

Can the prefix character please be reconsidered before adding it
to the language ?

Some other options:

 i"nternationalization" (or i"18n")
 l"ocalization" (or l"10n")

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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