[Python-ideas] String interpolation for all literal strings

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Aug 6 20:27:41 CEST 2015

On Aug 06, 2015, at 11:01 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>* you can't restrict them to "literals only", so you run a much higher risk
>of code injection attacks

In an i18n context you do sometimes need to pass in non-literals.  Restricting
this thing to literals only doesn't really increase the attack vector
significantly, and does close off an important use case.

>* you can only implement them via stack walking, so name resolution doesn't
>work right. You can get at the locals and globals for the calling frame, but
>normal strings are opaque to the compiler, so lexical scoping doesn't trigger

In practice, you need sys._getframe(2) to make it work, although flufl.i18n
does allow you to specify a different depth.  In practice you could probably
drop that for the most part. (ISTR an obscure use case for depth>2 but can't
remember the details.)

Really, the only nasty bit about flufl.i18n's implementation is the use of
sys._getframe().  Fortunately, it's a big of ugliness that's buried in the
implementation and never really seen by users.  If there was a more better way
of getting at globals and locals, that was Python-implementation independent,
that would clean up this little wart.

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