[Python-ideas] String interpolation for all literal strings

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 17:33:08 CEST 2015

On 6 August 2015 at 05:18, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 6 August 2015 at 07:24, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 5 August 2015 at 19:56, Eric V. Smith <eric at trueblade.com> wrote:
>>> In the "Briefer string format" thread, Guido suggested [1] in passing
>>> that it would have been nice if all literal strings had always supported
>>> string interpolation.
>>> I've come around to this idea as well, and I'm going to propose it for
>>> inclusion in 3.6. Once I'm done with my f-string PEP, I'll consider
>>> either modifying it or creating a new (and very similar) PEP.
>>> The concept would be that all strings are scanned for \{ and } pairs. If
>>> any are found, then they'd be interpreted in the same was as the other
>>> discussion on "f-strings". That is, the expression between the \{ and }
>>> would be extracted and searched for conversion characters and format
>>> specifiers. The expression would be evaluated, converted if needed, have
>>> its __format__ method called, and the resulting string inserted back in
>>> to the original string.
>> I strongly dislike this idea. One of the things I like about Python is
>> the fact that a string literal is just a string literal. I don't want
>> to have to scan through a large string and try to work out if it
>> really is just a literal or a dynamic context-dependent expression. I
>> would hold this objection if the proposal was a limited form of
>> variable interpolation (akin to .format) but if any string literal can
>> embed arbitrary expressions than I *really* don't like that idea.
> I'm in this camp as well. We already suffer from the problem that,
> unlike tuples, numbers and strings, lists, dictionary and set
> "literals" are actually formally displays that provide a shorthand for
> runtime procedural code, rather than literals that can potentially be
> fully resolved at compile time.
> This means there are *fundamentally* different limitations on what we
> can do with them. In particular, we can take literals, constant fold
> them, do various other kinds of things with them, because we *know*
> they're not dependent on runtime state - we know everything we need to
> know about them at compile time.
> This is an absolute of Python: string literals are constants, not
> arbitrary code execution constructs. Our own peephole generator
> assumes this, AST manipulation code assumes this, people reading code
> assume this, people teaching Python assume this.
> I already somewhat dislike the idea of having a "string display" be
> introduced by something as subtle as a prefix character, but so long
> as it gets its own AST node independent of the existing "I'm a
> constant" string node, I can live with it. There's at least a marker
> right up front to say to readers "unlike other strings, this one may
> depend on runtime state". If the prefix was an exclamation mark to
> further distinguish it from the alphabetical prefix characters, I'd be
> even happier :)
> Dropping the requirement for the prefix *loses* expressiveness from
> the language, because runtime dependent strings would no longer be
> clearly distinguished from the genuine literals. Having at least f"I
> may be runtime dependent!" as an indicator, and preferably !"I may be
> runtime dependent!" instead, permits a clean simple syntax for
> explicit interpolation, and dropping the prefix saves only one
> character at writing time, while making every single string literal
> potentially runtime dependent at reading time.
> Editors and IDEs can also be updated far more easily, since existing
> strings can be continue to be marked up as is, while prefixed strings
> can potentially be highlighted differently to indicate that they may
> contain arbitrary code (and should also be scanned for name references
> and type compatibility with string interpolation).
> Regards,
> Nick.

I'm with Nick here. I think of string literals as just that -
*literals* and this proposal breaks that. I had a vague discomfort
with the f-string proposal, but I couldn't work out why, and the
convenience outweighed the disquiet. But it was precisely this point -
that f-strings aren't literals, whereas all of the *other* forms of
(prefixed or otherwise) strings are.

I'm still inclined in favour of the f-string proposal, because of the
convenience (I have never really warmed to the verbosity of "a
{}".format("message") even though I use it all the time). But I'm
definitely against the idea of making unprefixed string notation no
longer a literal (heck, I even had to stop myself saying "unprefixed
string literals" there - that's how ingrained the idea that "..." is a
literal is).


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