[Python-ideas] Letting context managers react to yields inside their scope

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Thu Apr 30 05:28:45 CEST 2015

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Yury Selivanov <yselivanov.ml at gmail.com>

> Sorry for not replying to your last email promptly.
> FWIW I was going to do it later today ;)
> My opinion on this subject (and I've implemented lots
> of local-context kind of objects in different frameworks) is
> that *just* inserting some kind of suspend/resume points
> before/after yields does not work.

Very good observation. (I.e. I hadn't thought of this myself. :-)

> Why:
> 1. Greenlets, gevent, eventlet, stackless python: they do
> not have 'yield'. Context switches are invisible to the
> interpreter.  And those frameworks are popular.  You want
> numpy.errstate/decimal.localcontext to work there too.
> 2. I'm curious how this will be implemented and what's
> the performance impact.
> 3. I think that mechanism should be more generic than
> just 'with' staments. What if you want to have a decorator
> that applies some context? What if you can't write it as
> a generator with @contextlib.contextmanager?
> What I would propose:
> I think that the right approach here would be to have a
> standard protocol; something similar to how we defined
> WSGI -- it doesn't require any changes in the interpreter,
> it is a protocol.
> For instance, we could have a module in the stdlib, with a
> class Context:
>    class Context:
>       @classmethod
>       def __suspend_contexts(cls):
>          for child in cls.__subclasses__():
>             child.__suspend_context()
>       @classmethod
> def __resume_contexts(cls): ..
> To inform context objects that the context is about to change,
> asyncio event loop would call Context.__suspend_contexts()
> I think that it's up to the event loop/library/framework
> to manage context switches properly.  In asyncio, for instance,
> you can attach callbacks to Futures. I think it would be
> great if such callbacks are executed in the right context.

I'm not sure about this, since currently those callbacks are how task
scheduling happens. :-)

> I would also suggest to think about a universal context --
> the one that works both for asyncio coroutines and
> threadpools they might use.
> This way any framework can implement the context in the
> most efficient way.
> All in all, I'm in favor of API and a couple functions
> added to the stdlib for this.

I'm curious -- how would you access the current contexts?

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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