[Python-ideas] async/await in Python

Yury Selivanov yselivanov.ml at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 23:09:28 CEST 2015

Hi Victor,

Thanks for another review ;)

On 2015-04-17 4:19 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
> Hi,
> Yury Selivanov <yselivanov.ml at ...> writes:
>> Here's my proposal to add async/await in Python.
> As a contributor to asyncio, I'm a strong supporter of this PEP. IMO it
> should land into Python 3.5 to confirm that Python promotes asynchronous
> programming (and is the best language for async programming? :-)) and
> accelerate the adoption of asyncio "everywhere".
> The first time Yury shared with me his idea of new keywords (at Pycon
> Montreal 2014), I understood that it was just syntax sugar. In fact, it adds
> also "async for" and "async with" which adds new features. They are almost
> required to make asyncio usage easier. "async for" would help database ORMs
> or the aiofiles project (run file I/O in threads). "async with" helps also ORMs.
> I already reviewed this PEP before Yury sent it to this list, so sorry, I
> have no longer major issue to report :-)
>> Debugging Features
>> ------------------
>> (...)
>> With this proposal, coroutines is a native, distinct from generators,
>> concept.  A new method ``set_async_wrapper`` is added to the ``sys`` module,
> I suggest to rename it to set_coroutine_wrapper() to be more consistent with
> the PEP. By the way, asyncio has a private "CoroWrapper" class (coroutine
> wrapper). It is the class used in debug mode to emit warnings described in
> this section.

I like "set_coroutine_wrapper()" name, it's better. I'll update the PEP.
> I also suggest to add get_coroutine_wrapper(), similar to
> sys.get/set_trace(). It is required for a framework to check if the wrapper
> is correctly setup (and no concurrent framework installed its own wrapper?).
>> List of functions and methods
>> =============================
>> ================= ======================================= =================
>> Method            Can contain                              Can't contain
>> ================= ======================================= =================
>> async def func    await, return value                      yield, yield from
>> async def __a*__  await, return value                      yield, yield from
>> def __a*__        return Future-like                       await
>> def __await__     yield, yield from, return iterable       await
>> generator         yield, yield from, return value          await
>> ================= ======================================= =================
> You may add asyncio coroutines, which are special (using yield is invalid),
> for the comparison:
> can contain: yield from, return value
> can't contain: yield, await
>> Backwards Compatibility
>> -----------------------
>> The only backwards incompatible change is an extra argument ``is_async`` to
>> ``FunctionDef`` AST node.  But since it is a documented fact that the
>> structure
>> of AST nodes is an implementation detail and subject to change, this
>> should not
>> be considered a serious issue.
> The PEP breaks the backward compatibility in Python 3.7 when async and await
> will become keywords. You may mention it.
>> Why not a __future__ import
>> ---------------------------
>> ``__future__`` imports are inconvenient and easy to forget to add. (...)
> I understand that you describe a situation where "async def ..." would raise
> a SyntaxError when the __future__ is missing.
> I think that an *optional* __future__ would help projects to be prepared for
> async & await keywords.
> I mean, you can add "from __future__ import async" to get async & await as
> keywords in the current file, as we did before fore "from __future__ import
> with_statement".
> Also, I'm not opposed to require "from __future__ import async" to get the
> new feature. I don't expect async/await to popup in *all* files of a
> project, so changes are limited. I would avoid border case issues in the
> parser (issues described above: when async/await is used in parameters or
> one a single line).
> Nowadays, there are more and more linters. For example, in the OpenStack
> project, an issue detected by static analyzers ("hacking" based on flake8)
> must be fixed by the author of a patch, otherwise the patch cannot be
> merged. It's just mandatory. So maybe __future__ is less important than it
> was when with was added in Python 2.6?
>> Why magic methods start with "a"
>> --------------------------------
>> New asynchronous magic methods ``__aiter__``, ``__anext__``, ``__aenter__``,
>> and ``__aexit__`` all start with the same prefix "a".  An alternative
>> proposal
>> is to use "async" prefix, so that ``__aiter__`` becomes ``__async_iter__``.
> I prefer __async_iter__ over __aiter__ (and __async_next/enter/exit__), but
> I can survive to write __aiter__. __async_iter__ is more consistent with
> "async" prefix added to functions (async def).
>> However, to align new magic methods with the existing ones, such as
>> ``__radd__`` and ``__iadd__`` it was decided to use a shorter version.
> I don't think that past mistakes justify new mistakes :-D
> Victor
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