[Python-ideas] Python 3.9.9 - The 'I Have A Dream' Version

Simon Kennedy sffjunkie at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 15:54:52 CEST 2015

On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 14:22:10 UTC+1, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I believe the distinction you want is "data" versus "code", or 
> perhaps "values" versus "functions". 
> The trouble is that in Python, functions are values too. You can pass a 
> function to a function and manipulate it. The term usually used to 
> describe this is "functions are first-class values".

This is probably what I should have used "First class values"

> This is a feature, 
> not a problem to be fixed. In my opinion, any programming language which 
> separates "data" from "code" is a language not worth using. 
Oh I agree, it's one the best parts of Python.

Not everything in the doc is something that needs to be changed. In fact I 
think the actual Python language is almost perfect. Simplicity and elegance 
yet powerful.

That part was just an attempt to document the current state of the language 
(though I admit poorly articulated)

> If that's not what you mean, you will need to explain in more detail 
> (perhaps with examples?) what you actually mean. 
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