[Python-ideas] Stop displaying elements of bytes objects as printable ASCII characters in CPython 3

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Sep 10 16:48:30 CEST 2014

On Sep 10, 2014, at 08:42 AM, Cory Benfield wrote:

>I doubt you'll get far with this proposal on this list, which is a
>shame because I think you have a point. There is an impedance mismatch
>between the Python community saying "Bytes are not text" and the fact
>that, wow, they really do look like they are sometimes!

That's the nature of wire protocols - they're like quantum particles,
exhibiting both bytes-like and string-like behavior.  You can't look too
closely, and they have spooky action at a distance too.  For the email
protocols at least, you also have mind-crushing singularities.

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