[Python-ideas] PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 17:24:07 CET 2014

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> OTOH, I'm also not sure the status quo is sufficiently problematic to be
> worth changing. Yes, it's a little weird, but is it *that* much weirder than
> the unavoidable issues with exceptions thrown in __next__, __getitem__,
> __getattr__ and other special methods where a particular type of exception
> is handled directly by the interpreter?

If you write __next__, you write in a "raise StopIteration" when it's
done. If you write __getattr__, you write in "raise AttributeError" if
the attribute shouldn't exist. Those are sufficiently explicit that it
should be reasonably clear that the exception is the key. But when you
write a generator, you don't explicitly raise:

def gen():
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3
    return 4

The distinction in __next__ is between returning something and raising
something. The distinction in a generator is between "yield" and
"return". Why should a generator author have to be concerned about one
particular exception having magical meaning?

Imagine this scenario:

def producer():
    """Return user input, or raise KeyboardInterrupt"""
    return input("Enter the next string: ")

def consumer():
    """Process the user's input"""
    while True:
            command = producer()
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

Okay, now let's make a mock producer:

strings = ["do stuff","do more stuff","blah blah"]
def mock_producer()
    if strings: return strings.pop(0)
    raise KeyboardInterrupt

That's how __next__ works, only with a different exception, and I
think people would agree that this is NOT a good use of
KeyboardInterrupt. If you put a few extra layers in between the
producer and consumer, you'd be extremely surprised that an unexpected
KeyboardInterrupt just quietly terminated a loop. Yet this is exactly
what the generator-and-for-loop model creates: a situation in which
StopIteration, despite not being seen at either end of the code, now
has magical properties. Without the generator, *only* __next__ has
this effect, and that's exactly where it's documented to be.

Does that make for more justification? Unexpected exceptions bubbling
up is better than unexpected exceptions quietly terminating loops?


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