[Python-ideas] Make Python code read-only

Wolfgang Maier wolfgang.maier at biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Thu May 22 16:44:52 CEST 2014

On 21.05.2014 11:43, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> It also misses the big reason I am a Python programmer rather than a
> Java programmer.
> For me, Python is primarily an orchestration language. It is the
> language for the code that is telling everything else what to do. If my
> Python code is an overall performance bottleneck, then "Huzzah!", as it
> means I have finally engineered all the other structural bottlenecks out
> of the system.
> For this use case, monkey patching is not an incidental feature to be
> tolerated merely for backwards compatibility reasons: it is a key
> capability that makes Python an ideal language for me, as it takes
> ultimate control of what dependencies do away from the original author
> and places it in my hands as the system integrator. This is a dangerous
> power, not to be used lightly, but it also grants me the ability to work
> around critical bugs in dependencies at run time, rather than having to
> fork and patch the source the way Java developers tend to do.

Very intriguing perspective! I am not experienced enough with Java to 
judge your comparison, but if you ever find the time to elaborate on 
this in a longer post or article somewhere I'd be eager to read it.

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