[Python-ideas] Things I wish Pip learned from Npm

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Thu May 8 17:16:08 CEST 2014

On May 8, 2014, at 11:04 AM, Philipp A. <flying-sheep at web.de> wrote:

> 2014-05-07 22:48 GMT+02:00 M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com>:
> Please note that you should probably post this to the pip mailing
> list and/or the distutils list.
> python-ideas is about ideas for Python itself and even though Python 3.4
> includes bootstrap code to install pip, pip itself is not developed by
> the Python Core Devs.
> There’s one point that’s relevant and worth discussing here, I quote:
> pip’s choice of defaulting to a global installation is wrong
> Yes. Python’s pip bootstrapping is there in order to guarantee that all the “ just type pip install foobar” tutorials work.
> Linux distributions like Arch, Debian and Ubuntu deliberately broke this guarantee, and for good reasons:
> Pip per default installs globally, which should be the system package manager’s territory.

This isn’t exactly accurate. Linux distributions aren’t installing pip globally using ensurepip, which is an entirely different thing than pip. We never expected Linux distros *to* use ensurepip for that purpose. If you install python-pip on any of these distros you still get a version of pip that installs things globally. Some distros (Fedora I believe) are making Python depend on pip so the outcome is exactly the same.
> It would be best if pip would work like this if you run it without some -g, --global switch outside a venv:

I don’t think pip will ever require a virtual environment by default. However there is an open ticket to make —user installs the default when running as non root.
> On Linux: “You’re on linux, please use your package manager for global installation or use a virtual environment. Use the -g switch to force global installation”
> On Windows and OSX: “Please use the -g switch for installations outside of virtual environments”
> Is it to late to change this? I really want the guarantee and pip to work. But I also totally understand why all those distributions break it!

Like I said above, no distribution currently breaks pip, a few have a broken ensurepip but that is being fixed.

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Donald Stufft
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