[Python-ideas] for-loop-if like list comps have?

Christopher Welborn cjwelborn at live.com
Sat Mar 15 03:07:18 CET 2014

mylist = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grapefruit']

# Why is this okay...
     for item in [x for x in mylist if 'p' in x]:

# But this isn't?
     for item in mylist if 'p' in item:
     SyntaxError: invalid syntax

# Instead you have to do another nesting level..
     for item in mylist:
         if 'p' in item:

# Or another way.
     for item in mylist:
         if 'p' not in item:

...And there is 'filter', 'lambdas', and whatever else
to achieve the same result. But the list comprehension
is already closely related to a for-loop, and it seems
natural to go from:
     [x for x in mylist if x]
     for x in mylist if x:

Just an idea, sorry if it has been mentioned before.

\¯\      /¯/\
  \ \/¯¯\/ / / Christopher Welborn (cj)
   \__/\__/ /  cjwelborn at live·com
    \__/\__/   http://welbornprod.com

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