[Python-ideas] Please reconsider the Boolean evaluation of midnight

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Mar 6 00:20:45 CET 2014

On 3/5/2014 4:10 PM, Alex Gaynor wrote:

> First, I'd like to dispense with the notion that ``if foo`` is somehow a bad
> practice.

It is when one means 'if foo is not None' as it is as fragile, and in 
the same way, in the same way as using 'a and b or c' as a conditional 

 > This is an EXTREMELY common practice as a shorthand for checking for
> None, a great many people consider it more idiomatic,

In what universe. I was originally for changing datetime, but seems the 
issue being used as a vehicle to justify and promote buggy programming 
has changed my mind.

Terry Jan Reedy

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