[Python-ideas] adding dictionaries

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 14:29:52 CEST 2014

On 29 July 2014 12:56, Jonas Wielicki <j.wielicki at sotecware.net> wrote:
> FWIW, one could use an operator which inherently shows a direction: <<
> and >>, for both directions respectively.
> A = B >> C lets B take precedence, and A = B << C lets C take precedence.
> regards,
> jwi
> p.s.: I’m not entirely sure what to think about my suggestion---I’d like
> to hear opinions.

Personally, I don't like it much more than the symmetric-looking
operators. I get your point, but it feels like you're just patching
over a relatively small aspect of a fundamentally bad idea. But then
again as I've already said, I see no need for any of this, the
existing functionality seems fine to me.


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