[Python-ideas] adding dictionaries

Alexander Heger python at 2sn.net
Tue Jul 29 01:18:37 CEST 2014

>> args0 = dict(...)
>> args1 = dict(...)
>> def f(**kwargs):
>>     g(**(arg0 | kwargs | args1))
>> currently I have to write
>> args = dict(...)
>> def f(**kwargs):
>>     temp_args = dict(dic0)
>>     temp_args.update(kwargs)
>>     temp_args.update(dic1)
>>     g(**temp_args)
> The first part of this one of the use cases for functools.partial(), so it
> isn't a compelling argument for easy dict merging. The above is largely an
> awkward way of spelling:
>     import functools
>     f = functools.partial(g, **...)
> The one difference is to also silently *override* some of the explicitly
> passed arguments, but that part's downright user hostile and shouldn't be
> encouraged.

yes, poor example due to briefly.  ;-)

In my case f would actually do something with the values of kwargs
before calling g, and args1 many not be static outside f.
(hence partial is not a solution for the full application)

def f(**kwargs):
    # do something with kwrags, create dict0 and dict1 using kwargs
    temp_args = dict(dict0)
    # more uses of dict0

which could be

def f(**kwargs):
    # do something with kwargs, create dict0 and dict1 using kwargs
    g(**collections.ChainMap(dict1, kwargs, dict0))
    # more uses of dict0

Maybe good enough for that case, like with + or |, one still need to
know/learn the lookup order for key replacement, and it is sort of


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