[Python-ideas] os.path.abspath - optional startdir argument

Juancarlo Añez apalala at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 18:53:00 CEST 2014

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Wolfgang Maier <
wolfgang.maier at biologie.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:

> As it stands, the pathlib module is only provisional plus, IMO, kind of
> overkill for a simple task like that.


The pathlib module is "*New in version 3.4"*. There's an implementation for
previous versions of Python in PyPi.


The pathlib module is not overkill, as it provides the same functionality
as os.path, but in a more OO and syntactically simpler form:

(configpath / filepath).resolve()


Juancarlo *Añez*
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