[Python-ideas] Iterative development

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Wed Jan 29 09:29:10 CET 2014

On 01/28/2014 11:44 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> It is a parallel Python development process. It doesn't affect or
> replace current practice, so nobody gets hurt.

So you're saying that we would have the current model, plus this agile model?

>  It is also about open
> process, where openness means transparency (eliminate hidden
> communication),

What "hidden" communication?  Talking in person or on IRC?  Instead of ... where?

> inclusiveness (eliminate exclusive rights and privileges)

Exclusive rights?  You mean let any piece of code get committed?

>  and accessibility (eliminate awkward practices and poor
> user experience).

It is not possible to please everyone; it is also not possible to ensure a "good user experience" for everyone.

> The idea is to split development of Python into two weeks cycle.

80 hours?  Do you have any idea how long it takes some of us to put in 80 hours of Python development time?


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