[Python-ideas] *var()*

spir denis.spir at gmail.com
Thu Jan 2 17:39:24 CET 2014

On 01/02/2014 02:35 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 12:57:49PM +0100, Liam Marsh wrote:
>> hello,here is my idea:
>> var():
>> input var name (str),
>> outputs var value
>> example:
>>>>> count1=1.34
>>>>> var('count',1)
>> 1.34thank you and have a nice day!
> Hello Liam, and welcome! Is this your first post here? I don't recall
> seeing your name before.
> I'm afraid I don't quite understand your example above. The "thank you
> and have a nice day" confuses me, I don't understand where it comes
> from. Also, I'm not sure why you define a variable count1 = 1.34, and
> then pass "count", 1 as two separate arguments to the function. So I'm
> going to try to guess what your idea actually is, or at least what I
> think is reasonable, if I get it wrong please feel free to correct me.
> You want a function, var(), which takes a single argument, the name of a
> variable, and then returns the value of that variable. E.g. given a
> variable "count1" set to the value 1.34, the function call:
> var("count1")
> will return 1.34.
> Is this what you mean?
> If so, firstly, the name "var" is too close to the existing function
> "vars". This would cause confusion.
> Secondly, you can already do this, or at least *almost* this, using
> the locals() and globals() functions. Both will return a dict containing
> the local and global variables, so you can look up the variable name
> easily using locals() and standard dictionary methods:
> py> count1 = 1.34
> py> locals()['count1']
> 1.34
> py> locals().get('count2', 'default')
> 'default'
> The only thing which is missing is that there's no way to look up a
> variable name if you don't know which scope it is in. Normally name
> resolution goes:
> locals
> nonlocals
> globals
> builtins
> You can easily look up a local name, or a global name, using the
> locals() and globals() function. With just a tiny bit more effort, you
> can also look in the builtins. But there's no way that I know of to look
> up a nonlocal name, or a name in an unspecified scope. Consequently,
> this *almost* works:
> def lookup(name):
>      import builtins
>      for namespace in (locals(), globals(), vars(builtins)):
>          try:
>              return namespace[name]
>          except KeyError:
>              pass
>      raise NameError("name '%s' not found" % name)
> except for the nonlocal scope.
> I would have guessed that you could get this working with eval, but if
> there is such a way, I can't work it out.
> I think this would make a nice addition to the inspect module. I
> wouldn't want to see it as a builtin function, since it would encourage
> a style of programming which I think is poor, but for those occasional
> uses where you want to look up a variable from an unknown scope, I think
> this would be handy.

I once used a direct try ... except NameError, which automagically looks up in 
the whole scope cascade:

i = 1
try: x = i
except NameError: x = None

# no "lookup-able" symbol 'j'
try: y = j
except NameError: y = None

print (x,y)     # ==>   1 None

Pretty practicle.

[Actually, I've never had any need for this in real python code, it was to 
simulate variable strings (implanted as eg "Hello, {username}!"), which requires 
variable lookup by name, itself variable. But python already has the final 
feature (even twice, with % or format).]


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