[Python-ideas] PEP-257: drop recommendation for extra line at end of multi-line docstring

Bruce Leban bruce at leapyear.org
Thu Feb 27 23:41:43 CET 2014

To clarify are you asking to delete the recommendation of a blank line or
the entire recommendation?

That is are you suggesting the recommendation change to

"It is recommended to place the closing quotes on a line by themselves."

I think deleting it completely is a bad idea as otherwise it's hard to see
where the docstring ends and the code begins, especially when using doctest.

--- Bruce
Learn how hackers think: http://j.mp/gruyere-security

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Ziad Sawalha <ziad.sawalha at rackspace.com>wrote:

> PEP-257 includes this recommendation:
> "The BDFL [3] recommends inserting a blank line between the last paragraph
> in a multi-line
> docstring and its closing quotes, placing the closing quotes on a line by
> themselves. This way,
> Emacs' fill-paragraph command can be used on it."
> I believe emacs no longer has this limitation. "If you do fill-paragraph
> in emacs in Python mode
> within a docstring, emacs already ignores the closing triple-quote.  In
> fact, the most recent version
> of emacs supports several different docstring formatting styles and gives
> you the ability to switch
> between them." - quoting Kevin L. Mitchell who is more familiar with emacs
> than I am.
> I'm considering removing that recommendation and updating some of the
> examples in PEP-257,
> but I'd like some thoughts from this group before I submit the patch. Any
> thoughts or references to
> conversations that may have already been had on this topic?
> Regards,
> Ziad
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