[Python-ideas] docs.python.org: Short URLs

random832 at fastmail.us random832 at fastmail.us
Mon Feb 17 18:25:03 CET 2014

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014, at 11:40, Ryan Hiebert wrote:
> Yeah, that would be a better place to redirect for 'str'.
> I was just pointing that I'm not sure what these URLs really gain us,
> if they aren't meant to be used as the canonical URLs, since the
> #identified
> URLs are perfectly useful as permalinks. Does having these redirects make
> it easier to find these things using a search engine? If not, we gain
> some
> neat URLs that are still only useful to those of us that actually already
> know
> the documentation anyway.

I don't know why they should be redirects, no. I think what's being
proposed in the article _was_ a separate page for every class and every
function. PHP does that. .NET does that. Why shouldn't Python? Is it
possible that the Python documentation suffers from excessive
conciseness _because_ everything's on one page?

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