[Python-ideas] docs.python.org: Short URLs

Markus Unterwaditzer markus at unterwaditzer.net
Mon Feb 17 15:51:58 CET 2014

I did mean to take it to the list. Just replying so it is there content-wise.

On 17 February 2014 15:49:16 CET, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
>Not sure if you meant to mail me this privately rather than post
>on-list. I'll keep this private for now, but feel free to take it to
>the list.
>On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 1:42 AM, Markus Unterwaditzer
><markus at unterwaditzer.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 01:34:25AM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> I like the idea, but your URLs might conflict with other things.
>> I'd just display the other thing instead then. Actually i think this
>should be
>> implemented in the 404 error handler or something like that.
>That could be done, but I was thinking more of a safe way to type in a
>URL - maybe with a browser plugin, even - that can't possibly bring up
>the "wrong thing".
>>> Would it be too awkward if namespaced?
>>> http://docs.python.org/[ver]/kw/str
>>> and then have a keyword index (hence "kw", which is nice and short)
>>> which could have function/class names, common search keywords, a few
>>> aliases (regex -> re), etc, etc.
>> We can have that too, additionally. /name/ would strike me as more
>> though this is just a matter of preference.
>Either way. "kw" was the best thing I could come up with at short
>notice. My point is to namespace it; what the name actually is can
>always be bikeshedded :)

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