[Python-ideas] combining two threads: switch statements and inline functions

Haoyi Li haoyi.sg at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 05:06:45 CET 2014

You can write totally dictionaries with inline functions (i.e. lambdas) in

Behold, a dictionary with functions, out in the wild:


Maybe not pretty, but definitely prettier than a forest of *elif* statements

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 03:05:53PM -0800, Bruce Leban wrote:
> > What if we had the ability to write dictionaries with inline functions in
> > them.
> What's an inline function? I've asked in the inline function thread how
> it differs from a regular function with dynamic scoping, but haven't had
> a response yet. Since you're now extending the proposal, perhaps you can
> answer.
> Is it a function that uses dynamic scoping instead of static scoping? A
> multi-line anonomous function? Some sort of closure? A thunk? Some of
> the above? In the previous discussion, it appears to be a regular
> function using dynamic scoping. Here it appears to be more kind of like
> a thunk, in that it makes up an expression.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunk_%28functional_programming%29
> Looking at your example here:
> > def sample(i, op, j):
> >     switcher = {{
> >        '-':: if i > j:
> >                  return i - j
> >              else:
> >                  return j - i;;
> >        '+':: return i + j;;
> >     }}
> >     return switcher[op]()
> I think it is silly to limit these "inline functions" to only be placed
> inside dictionaries. What if you want one stand-alone? Or in a list?
> Inserting them inside a dictionary should be merely a special case of
> the more general case, a multi-line "inline function" that is
> syntactically an expression. (Like lambda, only super-powered.)
> So let's toss out the mutated dict syntax, and use a normal dict,
> assuming only some special syntax for something to delay computation
> until called later. I'm going to call it "thunk" rather than inline
> function, since to me that appears to be the closest match, and use the
> simplest syntax that might work. Consider this pseudo-code rather than
> my proposal for actual "thunk" syntax.
> switcher = {
>     # Receives i, j and op from the scope of the caller.
>     '-': thunk if i > j:
>                   return i - j
>               else:
>                   return j - i,
>     '+': thunk return i + j,
>     None: thunk raise OperatorError("unknown operator %s" % op),
>     }
> You then use these thunks something like this:
> def sample(i, op, j):
>     return switcher.get(op)()
> It doesn't really buy you much benefit over normal functions with static
> (lexical) scoping:
> def sample(i, op, j):
>     return switcher.get(op)(i, op, j)
> If there is a benefit to dynamic scoping, surely it needs to be more
> than saving a couple of explicit arguments? I would argue that the
> benefit of being able to explicitly read the arguments there in the
> function call far outweighs the cost of having to explicitly write the
> arguments.
> Remember that dynamic scoping is rare in programming languages, because
> it is normally considered a poor idea. It's not hard to implement, but
> it is hard to use right. Personally, I'm very excited by the idea of
> dynamic scoping, but in my opinion it's in desperate need of a good
> use-case.
> So what have we got here?
> - The idea of dynamic scoping doesn't seem to gain us much, perhaps a
>   little less typing, but only at the cost of making calls less explicit
>   and hence harder to understand. (In other words, I'm still looking for
>   a good use-case. This isn't it.)
> - We're no closer to finding good syntax for a multi-line anonymous
>   function which can be used in expressions, regardless of what scoping
>   rules the function uses. My "thunk" syntax above doesn't really work
>   for me, it's just the first and most explicit syntax I thought of.
> - But if we somehow solve the second problem, regardless of how the
>   functions are scoped, then we can trivially use it inside function
>   calls, dicts, sets, lists, attribute assignments, ...
> In other words:
> * scoping and multi-line functions are orthogonal;
> * dicts are a red herring;
> * we're no closer to a multi-line lambda than we were 20 years ago.
> --
> Steven
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