[Python-ideas] Add an introspection API to Executor

Ram Rachum ram.rachum at gmail.com
Sun Aug 24 23:41:01 CEST 2014

Sometimes I want to take a live executor, like a `ThreadPoolExecutor`, and 
check up on it. I want to know how many threads there are, how many are 
handling tasks and which tasks, how many are free, and which tasks are in 
the queue.

I asked on Stack 
Overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25474204/checking-up-on-a-concurrent-futures-threadpoolexecutor

There's an answer there, but it uses private variables and it's not part of 
the API.

I suggest it become a part of the API. There should be an API for checking 
on what the executor is currently doing and answering all the questions I 
raised above.

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