[Python-ideas] Proposal: Use mypy syntax for function annotations

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 14 09:37:14 CEST 2014

On Aug 13, 2014, at 23:48, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:

> I've forgotten what the original point of all this was.
> If the point was that there's no benefit in trying to
> make JSON type-safe in Python, and you should just leave
> it all dynamically typed, maybe you're right.

Well, that was my starting point, which I assumed people would take for granted, so I could use it to make my real point, which is that "just downcast it", which came up a few times in the first couple hours of this discussion, is a bad answer in general.

If you start from the assumption that everything can and should be statically typed, but don't design a type system powerful enough to do that, you end up putting downcasts from void* or Object or whatever all over the place, and it's impossible to tell what parts of the program are actually safe, which defeats the entire purpose of static typing.

If you start from the assumption that there will be some self-contained regions of your code that can be typed by your type system, and other parts just have to be dynamically typed and that's OK, you don't subvert the type system all over the place, and you know which parts of the code are or aren't known to be safe.

Anyway, I think this is basically what you just said--you started explaining how we could effectively add C++ style implicit casts to hide the ugliness and unsafety of dealing with JSON, but then said that maybe it would be better to just leave the values dynamically typed. As long as the type checker can (not necessarily in the initial version, but at least reasonably plausibly) make it easy to tell which areas of your code have been "infected" by dynamic types, I think defaulting to "too hard, leave it dynamic" is the simplest, and probably right, thing to do. (Unless we actually want to design a sufficiently powerful type system, which I don't think we do.)

There's a great paper on how this works in practice in an ML variant, but unfortunately googling any subset of the only keywords I can remember (ML type duck infect dynamic) just brings up papers about avian virology (even if I leave our "duck"). I think there's also a (much more recent and less technical) blog post by one of the Swift guys about a similar idea--making it easy to stay dynamic means you end up with cleanly walled off regions of safe and unsafe code. (Or you would, if Swift had a halfway-decent stdlib instead of forcing you to bridge to ObjC for almost anything, but that's not important here.)

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