[Python-ideas] Another "little" combination, permutation, iterator, yield from, example.

Ron Adam ron3200 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 03:03:00 CEST 2013

On 10/17/2013 04:59 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 10/17/2013 1:58 PM, Ron Adam wrote:
>> On 10/16/2013 08:13 PM, Andrew Barnert wrote:
>>> On Oct 15, 2013, at 23:21, Ron
>>> Adam<ron3200 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> >A little digression...
>>>> >
>>>> >I've been thinking that pythons byte code could be a little higher
>>>> level and still be efficient.  So I wrote a little interpreter (in
>>>> python) to test some ideas.
> If you are not familiar with http://code.google.com/p/wpython2/
> "A wordcode-based Python implementation"
> you might find it interesting.

Thanks, that looks interesting, I hadn't seen it before.  I glanced over 
the following...


I'm looking for a path that will also lead to creating stand alone 
executables easily.  This is a taste of that ...


I'm not sure how difficult it will be, but it looks interesting.  Note that 
they talk about outputting scheme code... clojure is very near scheme, so 
that's not surprising.  Python outputs byte_code which is a bit harder to 
convert.  We might be able to improve that part of it.


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