[Python-ideas] Anonymous blocks (again):

Jonathan Eunice jonathan.eunice at gmail.com
Mon May 13 22:19:52 CEST 2013

That many Python functions don't produce useful values makes 
it difficult or impossible to do "chained" or "fluent" operations a la 
JavaScript or Perl. 

I love that Python avoids "expression soup" and long run-on 
invocations, but the lack of appreciable support for "fluency" or even
a smidgeon of functional style seems to regularly "verticalize" 
Python code, with several lines required do common things, such as 
fully construct / initialize / setup an object.  

Apologize if this seems tangential. To me it seems related to some
of the examples in this thread where Python pushes configuration 
statements/calls oddly after the related code block.

On Monday, May 13, 2013 3:10:14 PM UTC-4, Bruce Leban wrote:
> Not all functions produce a useful value. 
>     [].append(1)
>     [].sort()
>     print(1)
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