[Python-ideas] BufferedIO and detach

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Mon Mar 4 07:01:28 CET 2013

Guido van Rossum <guido at ...> writes:
> When the io module was originally designed, this was actually one of
> the (implied) use cases -- one reason I wanted to stop using C stdio
> was that I didn't like that there is no standard way to get at the
> data in the buffer, in similar use cases as you're trying to present.
> (A use case I could think of would be an http server that forks a
> subprocess after reading e.g. the first line of the http request, or
> perhaps after the headers.)

What was the API that provided this in the Python version of the io module?
(Note it still mostly lives as Lib/_pyio.py)

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