[Python-ideas] PEP 426, YAML in the stdlib and implementation discovery

Stefan Drees stefan at drees.name
Sat Jun 1 20:07:31 CEST 2013

On 01.06.13 18:42, Andrew Barnert wrote:
> On Jun 1, 2013, at 7:04, Nick Coghlan ... wrote:
>> ... I have my doubts that Python
>> 3.4 is the right time to be including a potentially volatile library,
>> even if providing a YAML parser as an included battery is a good idea
>> in the long run.
> For the record, the OP (Phillip) was thinking 3.5 or later. I'm the
> one who made the assumption he wanted this in 3.4, and he immediately
> corrected me.

At least I spotted no '3.4' in the first mail of this thread.

> Also, I get the impression that he wants to define a new API which
> doesn't match any of the existing libraries, and not add anything to the
> stdlib until one of the existing (fast) libraries has an adaptation to
> the new API, which means it's clearly not an immediate-term goal. He
> just wants to get some consensus that this is a good idea before
> starting the work of defining that API, finding or building a reference
> implementation in pure Python, and convincing the existing library
> authors to adapt to the standard API. ...

that is what I also distilled (after removing some add-on topics).

I am +1 on both designing a new API (willing to support) and to nudge 
the existing libraries to adapt it **before** lobbying towards stdlib 

Personally I also perceive YAML as Nick put it between .ini and JSON.

All the best,


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