[Python-ideas] float('∞')=float('inf')

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Sun Jul 14 16:49:13 CEST 2013

14.07.13 16:53, Zaur Shibzukhov написав(ла):
> I think that actual use cases are rather belongs to numeric area.
> For example, one could use infinity symbol when output infinity
> numerical results of calculations to the text file and another one input
> them. Usually float numbers in python world are converted from string
> using float(...). So any code that use float to convert from string
> could benefit.This is not a real use case though, but rather some
> scenario...

If one use custom code to output an infinity float as '∞' (or '+∞', or 
'-', or '\\infty', or 'бесконечность', or '>9000'), then another one 
should use custom code to input them.

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