[Python-ideas] Extend module objects to support properties

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Jan 30 09:37:02 CET 2013

On 30.01.2013 02:06, Larry Hastings wrote:
> Properties are a wonderful facility.  But they only work on conventional objects.  Specifically,
> they *don't* work on module objects.  It would be nice to extend module objects so properties worked
> there too.
> For example, Victor Stinner's currently proposed PEP 433 adds two new methods to the sys module:
> sys.getdefaultcloexc() and sys.setdefaultcloexc().  What are we, Java?  Surely this would be much
> nicer as a property, sys.defaultcloexc.

Would be nice, but I'm not sure how you'd implement this, since module
contents are accessed directly via the module dictionary, so the attribute
lookup hook to add the property magic is missing.

Overall, it would be great to have modules behave more like classes.
This idea has been floating around for years, but hasn't gone far due
to the above direct content dict access approach taken by the Python

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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