[Python-ideas] Parametrized any() and all() ?

Tarek Ziadé tarek at ziade.org
Wed Jan 16 11:30:22 CET 2013


any() and all() are very useful small functions, and I am wondering if 
it could be interesting to have them work
with different operators, by using a callable.

e.g. something like:

import operator

def  any(iterable, filter=operator.truth):
     for  element  in  iterable:
         if  filter(element):
             return  True
     return  False

For instance I could then us any() to find out if there's a None in the 

if  any(iterable, op=lambda x: x is None):
     raise SomeError("There's a none in that list")

Granted, it's easy to do it myself in a small util function - but since 
any() and all() are in Python...


Tarek Ziadé · http://ziade.org · @tarek_ziade

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