[Python-ideas] csv dialect enhancement (repost)

Federico Reghenzani federico.dev at reghe.net
Sat Jan 12 18:20:32 CET 2013

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 6:51 PM, rurpy at yahoo.com <rurpy at yahoo.com> wrote:

> [Sorry for the duplicated text in the previous post, please ignore
> that one in favor of this one]
> There is a common dialect of CSV, often used in database
> applications [*1], that distinguishes between an empty
> (quoted) string,

How many DBMS have this dialect? e.g. MySQL want \N for null values, in
other databases this is not even possible. Anyway I think that should be
implemented because it may have different uses.

> [*2] I don't really care what the attribute name is; I chose
> "nulls" as a trial balloon because I wanted to avoid something
> with "none" in it to avoid confusion with QUOTE_NONE.

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