[Python-ideas] Updated PEP 432: Simplifying the CPython update sequence

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat Jan 5 23:54:52 CET 2013

On 1/5/2013 4:42 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> Also, I suggest taking the opportunity to change the sense of flags such as
> no_site and dont_write_bytecode.  I find it much more difficult to reason that
> "dont_write_bytecode = 0" means *do* write bytecode, rather than
> "write_bytecode = 1".  I.e. positives are better than double-negatives.

IE, you prefer positive flags, with some on by default, over having all 
flags indicate a non-default condition. I would too, but I don't hack on 
the C code base. 'dont_write_bytecode' is especially ugly.

In any case, this seems orthogonal to Nick's PEP and should be a 
separate discussion (on pydev), tracker issue, and patch. Is the current 
tradition just happenstance or something that some of the major C 
developers strongly care about?

Terry Jan Reedy

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