[Python-ideas] My wishlist for Tulip

Giampaolo Rodolà g.rodola at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 18:15:43 CET 2013

I understand it's still beta but anyways, here's my little wish list for Tulip.

* provide a 'demo' / 'example' directory containing very simple
scripts showing the most basic usages such as:

- echo_tcp_client.py
- echo_tcp_server.py
- echo_tcp_server_w_timeout.py  (same as echo_server.py but also
disconnects the client after a certain time of inactivity)
- echo_tcp_ssl_client.py
- echo_tcp_ssl_server.py
- echo_udp_client.py
- echo_udp_server.py

* move all *test*.py scripts in a separate 'test' directory

* if it's not part of the API intended to be public move
tulip/http_client.py elsewhere ('examples'/'demo' or a brand new
'scripts'/'tools' directory)

* (minor) same for check.py, crawl.py, curl.py, sslsrv.py which looks
like they belong elsewhere

* write a simple benchmark framework testing (at least) sending,
receiving and the internal scheduler  (I'd like to help with this one)

--- Giampaolo

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