[Python-ideas] Easily reference a single unittest from cmdline

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sun Dec 8 14:13:10 CET 2013

On Dec 07, 2013, at 02:27 PM, Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:

>I just took a look at nosetests.
>It provides a similar thing and lets you use a regular expression
>(which indeed makes a lot more sense than using wildcards)
>It works like this:
>nosetests test/test_module -m test_name

I use nose2 in several projects and have a nice little plugin that reproduces
the most useful (for me) bits of zope testrunner for specifying test
patterns.  I can usually just do something like

$ nose2 -P test_this_one_thing
$ nose2 -P TestThisWholeClass
$ nose2 -P test_module
$ nose2 -P test_things.rst



P.S. Yes, nose2 *rocks* :)
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