[Python-ideas] Interest in seeing sh.py in the stdlib

Christian Heimes christian at python.org
Sun Oct 21 15:35:46 CEST 2012

Am 21.10.2012 02:33, schrieb Andrew Moffat:
> I'm interested in making sh.py more accessible to help bring Python
> forward in the area of shell scripting, so I'm interested in seeing if
> sh would be suitable for the standard library.  Is there any other
> interest in something like this?

I like to ignore the technical issues for now and concentrate on the
legal and organizational problems.

In order to get sh.py into Python's stdlib you have to relicense and
donate the code under the PSF license. You and every contributor must
agree on the relicensing. At least you must submit a signed contributor
agreement, maybe every contributor. Are you able to get hold of everybody?

Are you willing to maintain your code for several years, at least five
years or more?


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