[Python-ideas] The async API of the future: yield-from

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Tue Oct 16 07:25:24 CEST 2012

Calvin Spealman wrote:
> A "sane stack trace" only makes sense if we assume that tasks
> "call" each other in the same kind of call tree that synchronous code flows
> in, and I don't think that is necessarily the case.

No, but often it *is* the case, and in those cases we
would like to get a traceback that correctly reflects
the chain of calls.

> There are cases when one
> task might want to end before tasks it as "called" are complete, and if we use
> yield-from this is *impossible* but it is very useful.

That depends on what you mean by "use yield-from". It's
true that yield-from *on its own* can't achieve the effect
of spawning concurrent subtasks; other mechanisms will need
to be brought to bear at some point.

But there's no reason a solution involving those other
mechanisms can't be encapsulated in a library function that
you invoke using yield-from. I've posted a couple of examples
of how a par() function which does that might be written.

> yield-from semantics won't allow a called task to continue, if needed, after the
> calling task itself has completed.

You seem to be imagining that more is being claimed about
the abilities of yield-from than is actually being claimed.
Yield-from is just a procedure call; the important thing
is what the called procedure does.

One of the things it can do is invoke a scheduler primitive
that spawns an independent task. In my example scheduler,
this is spelled scheduler.schedule(task). This is not a
yield-from call, it's just an ordinary call. It adds
the given generator to the list of ready tasks, so that it
will get run when its chance comes around. Meanwhile,
the calling task carries on.


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