[Python-ideas] The async API of the future: yield-from

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sun Oct 14 09:12:04 CEST 2012

I've had some thoughts on why I'm uncomfortable
about this kind of pattern:

    data = yield sock.async_read(1024)

The idea here is that sock.async_read() returns a
Future or similar object that performs the I/O and
waits for the result.

However, reading the data isn't necessarily the point
at which the suspension actually occurs. If you're
using a select-style event loop, the async read
operation breaks down into

    1. Wait for data to arrive on the socket
    2. Read the data

So the implementation of sock.async_read() is going
to have to create another Future to handle waiting
for the socket to become ready. But then the outer
Future is an unnecessary complication, because you
could get the same effect by defining

    def async_read(self, length):
       yield future_to_wait_for_fd(self.fd)
       return os.read(self.fd, length)

and calling it using

    data = yield from sock.async_read(1024)

If Futures are to appear anywhere, they should only
be at the very bottom layer, at the transition
between generator and non-generator code. And the
place where that transition occurs depend on how
the lower levels are implemented. If you're using
IOCP instead of select, for example, you need to
do things the other way around:

    1. Start the read operation
    2. Wait for it to complete

So I feel that all public APIs should be functions
called using yield-from, leaving it up to the
implementation to decide if and where Futures
become involved.


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