[Python-ideas] How can I get own instance of generator in itself code

Simon Sapin simon.sapin at kozea.fr
Sun Jul 15 11:36:27 CEST 2012

Le 15/07/2012 08:18, Đinh Nho Nam a écrit :
> def invoke_callback(url):
> 	do something here
> 	self = get myself (invoke_callback generator) instance #how can we do as this line????
> 	data = yield asynchronous_dowload(url, callback = self.next)
> 	do something with data
> How can we do as this code. How can I get self variable?. Does the
> language support this feature? I cannot find it in any document in
> python.org. So, I have to solve it by wrapper it in a list.


Maybe you could achieve that by inspecting the stack frame, but this is 
generally not recommended.

But taking a step back, I think that the primitive you are looking for 
is a more general coroutine. greenlet can do this, and gevent builds on 
it to add higher level async networking:


Simon Sapin

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