[Python-ideas] Python 3000 TIOBE -3%

Masklinn masklinn at masklinn.net
Fri Feb 10 16:12:58 CET 2012

On 2012-02-10, at 15:59 , Stefan Behnel wrote:
>> GIL + Threads = Simplified, non parallel interpreter
> Note that this also applies to PyPy, so even "interpreter" isn't enough of
> a generalisation.
> I think it's best to speak of the GIL as what it is: a lock that protects
> internal state of the CPython runtime (and also some external code, when
> used that way). Rather convenient, if you ask me.

It is very convenient from the viewpoint of implementing the interpreter,
but you must acknowledge that it comes with quite severe limitations on
the ability of user code to take advantage of computing resources.

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