[Python-ideas] Avoid circular import

Sven Marnach sven at marnach.net
Tue Apr 10 16:53:01 CEST 2012

Oleg Broytman schrieb am Tue, 10. Apr 2012, um 18:11:05 +0400:
> > This issue can be easily overcome with function-level imports, but
> > some people don't like function-level imports either.
>    Can I say I doubt it's a good reason to change Python?

Sorry, I actuually didn't mean to argue in favour of any proposal.  I
just meant to point out issues relevant to this thread that some
people probably are not aware of.

> > The same issue turned up when porting the Python Imaging Library to
> > Python 3.  PIL uses implicit relative, circular imports which have to
> > be turned into function-level imports to work properly on Python 3,
> > see [2] for details.
> > 
> > [2]: https://github.com/sloonz/pil-py3k/pull/2
>    Was there any major problem in fixing that?

This was meant as an example that these issues arise in practice, even
in libraries that can hardly be cosidered obscure.


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