[Python-ideas] Draft PEP for virtualenv in the stdlib

Carl Meyer carl at oddbird.net
Tue Oct 25 20:38:44 CEST 2011

Hash: SHA1

Hi Paul,

On 10/25/2011 12:11 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
> One thought - on "per user" Windows installations, or uninstalled
> Python builds on Windows, IIRC python.exe requires pythonXY.dll to be
> alongside the EXE. You should probably consider copying/linking that
> if it's not installed systemwide. It's not entirely obvious to me how
> you'd detect this, though - maybe take the simple approach of copying
> python.exe, and also copying pythonXY.dll if it's in the same
> directory otherwise assume it's a system install.
> There's also pythonw.exe on Windows, of course... (I'm assuming that
> w9xpopen.exe is probably not needed - I'm not even sure there's any
> remaining need to ship it with Python in the first place).

Actually, the reference implementation does symlink/copy all DLLs from
the same directory as the python binary or a DLLs/ subdirectory, and
also any executable beginning with "python", which would include

We should certainly update the PEP with more detail about how things
look different on Windows, currently it's pretty much describing the
POSIX behavior (my fault; Vinay's done all the Windows work and I'm not
as familiar with it).

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