[Python-ideas] Changing str(someclass) to return only the class name

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sun Oct 23 18:04:43 CEST 2011

On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 10:23 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
> [...]
>> The current convention is that classes, functions and modules, don't
>> offer a shorthand "pretty" display format at all. The proposal is to
>> specifically bless "x.__name__" as an official shorthand.
> I believe you are saying that backwards.
> The way to get the shorthand display format (i.e. the object's name) is
> already to use x.__name__. There's no need for a proposal to bless
> x.__name__ as the way to do it since that's already what people do.
> This proposal is to bless str(x) (and equivalent forms) as a shorthand for
> x.__name__, and *unbless* x.__name__ as the official way to do it. I expect
> that's what you mean.

That is putting words in my mouth. There's no intent to unbless
x.__name__, period. Also, there's no intent to bless str(x) as
x.__name__ if you want the name. The only intent is to make what gets
printed if you print a function, class or module to be less verbose.

> For the avoidance of doubt, this only applies to x a module, function or
> class (including built-in types) but not necessarily any other kind of
> object.
> [...]
>> I think the most valid objection raised so far is the fact that some
>> metaclasses *already* override __str__ to display something other than
>> the result of type.__repr__(cls). That does have the potential to
>> cause problems for code dealing with utterly unknown types. However,
>> such code should likely be explicitly invoking repr() rather than
>> str() anyway, so this change is unlikely to break anything that isn't
>> already broken.
> If this proposal goes ahead, will str(x) => x.__name__ cease to be an
> implementation detail and become part of the public API that *must* be
> supported by all Python implementations?
> (That is not a rhetorical question.)

str() is never an implementation detail. The expectation is that str()
is roughly compatible on different Python implementations. If it was
an implementation detail, I wouldn't have sustained this discussion
for so long, I'd just committed the change. At the same time I see no
reason for other implementations not to follow CPython for this
particular proposal, and if they disagree they should argue here, not
refuse to implement the change.

> If not, then other Pythons can return something else and anyone who cares
> about writing portable, correct code can't use str(x) as shorthand and will
> still need to use x.__name__. str(x) will then be an attractive nuisance
> encouraging people to write non-portable code.

I assume that people will continue to understand that str()'s contract
is weak -- it produces a pretty string. The only place where its
contract is stronger is for some specific types, like str itself
(str() of a string is that string itself, period) and for integers and
floats (a decimal representation). We're not changing the strength of
the contract here. We're just making it prettier.

> But if so, that seems rather heavy-handed to me. str() of every other kind
> of object is an implementation detail[1]. Presumably if there were an
> Italian Python where str(None) returned "Nessuno", or a Persian Python where
> str(2) returned "۲", that would be allowed. I don't see that classes are
> special enough to justify making the precise output of str(cls) part of the
> public API of classes.

It seems to me you are reading too much into the proposal. Please back
down. The sky is not falling.

> [1] Although it has to be acknowledged that many objects have an obvious
> string output that is very unlikely to change.

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

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