[Python-ideas] PEP 3155 - Qualified name for classes and functions

Joshua Landau joshua.landau.ws at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 02:43:40 CET 2011

First of all - hello python-ideas. I liked the look of the archives, so I
thought I'd chip in, if it's OK.

>  And what about:
>>    <f locals>.g
>> and
>>    <<xyzzy locals>.f locals>.g
> In the end I like the non-nested version better.
xyzzy.<local f>.<local g>
or, preferably,
It's non-nested, shows the locality and maps the locality to the variable.

If not showing function instances is disliked, maybe drop the period
between the function and "<locals>" from yours:
or, again,

I think this is just cleaner than:
because it doesn't imply that xyzzy has a single set of locals - especially
using <instance>.
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