[Python-ideas] triple-quoted strings and indendation

Matthias Lehmann mat at matlehmann.de
Thu May 12 12:32:49 CEST 2011

Am 12.05.2011 12:18, schrieb Paul Moore:
> On 11 May 2011 17:44, Matthias Lehmann<mat at matlehmann.de>  wrote:
>> 3) And finally to quote a post from earlier today
>> "I know about textwrap.dedent, but having to use a
>> Python function call to code a literal has always made me
>> uncomfortable."
> As the writer of that comment, I'd like to add a -1 to this proposal :-)
> My intent was to point out that I'm willing to have indentation
> oddities rather than use dedent. In my view, the problem isn't
> important enough to warrant extra syntax.
> Sorry, :-)
> Paul.

I didn't mean to misuse your comment - I hope this is not your perception.

Thanks for your feedback.


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