[Python-ideas] 'Injecting' objects as function-local constants

Jan Kaliszewski zuo at chopin.edu.pl
Thu Jun 16 18:58:03 CEST 2011

Steven D'Aprano dixit (2011-06-16, 10:46):

> Making locals unrebindable is a change of semantics that is far
> beyond anything I've been discussed here. This will be a big enough
> change without overloading it with changes that will be even more
> controversial!

That variant (#1) would be simply shortcut for a closure application
-- nothing really new.

    def factory(n):
        """Today's Python example."""
        closuring = 'foo'
        def func(m):
            s = min(n, m) * closuring
            # here you also cannot rebind 'closuring' because is has
            # been referenced above

> Introducing magic syntax that is recognised by the compiler but
> otherwise is not usable as a function is completely unacceptable.

Because of?... And it would not be more 'magic' than any other
language syntax construct -- def, class, decorating with their @, *, **
arguments etc.  The fact that such a new syntax would be similar to
something already known and well settled (decorator function application
syntax) would be rather an andantage than a drawback.

> * If the original function previously referenced global or nonlocal x
> and y, the new function must now treat them as local;
> * Bindings to x and y should occur once, at function definition time,
> similar to the way default arguments occur once;
> * The original function (before the decorator applies) must be
> untouched rather than modified in place.
> This implies to me that inject must copy the original function and
> make modifications to the code object. This sounds to me that a
> proof-of-concept implementation would be doable using a byte-code
> hack.

That's what I propose as variant #2. But that would need byte code
hacking -- or some core language ('magic') modifications.


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