[Python-ideas] Module aliases and/or "real names"

Ron Adam rrr at ronadam.com
Mon Jan 10 19:49:15 CET 2011

On 01/10/2011 11:55 AM, Ron Adam wrote:

> How about making __module__ a property on accelerated objects, that looks
> for a global flag, then returned either, _module__ or _alt_module__
> depending on the flag? (or some other way of store those values)
> Pickle could set the flag so it can get what it needs from __module__, then
> unset it when it's done.

Or this maybe should be the other way around.  When a module begins with an 
underscore it should be considered a private implementation detail.  So 
__module__, in the case of partial, is already set to the correct value.

But when the actual name is needed instead of the official name,  A global 
flag can be set.  Then when module is a property, it will get the actual 
name, instead of the official name.


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