[Python-ideas] Changing the name of __pycache__

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed Feb 9 19:00:45 CET 2011

> > That said, I think it is useful that casual users of Python are aware
> > that Python does cache bytecode files. It's not a complex enough notion
> > that there's any point in hiding these from them. After all, explicit
> > is better than implicit.
> The dot-file naming convention is pretty well established.

Well, so what? Should we use any file naming convention even when it's
not appropriate?

> People use "ls" much more than they use "ls -a" because
> they usually don't want to see those files or directories.

I'm not sure people who would be annoyed by a __pycache__ directory
really want to see any Python source code anyway. You only list Python
directories when you are exploring or hacking something, so clearly you
are interested in knowing how things work.

> IOW, implicit is better when we're talking about system files
> and caching and whatnot.

Why so? My /var/cache directory is not named /var/.cache, and it's full
of non-dotfile entries.

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