[Python-ideas] Add from __experimental__ import bla [was: Should we move to replace re with regex?]

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Aug 31 17:05:36 CEST 2011

On Aug 31, 2011, at 12:45 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>The key benefit lies in ensuring that anything in the mooted
>experimental namespace is clearly under python-dev's aegis from at
>least the following perspectives:
>- licensing (i.e. redistributed by the PSF under a Contributor
>Licensing Agreement)
>- testing (i.e. the module test suites are run on the python.org
>buildbot fleet and results published via
>- issue management (i.e. bugs and feature requests are handled on
>- source control (i.e. the master repository for the software is
>published on http://hg.python.org)
>Those are the things that will allow the experimental modules to be
>used under existing legal approvals that allow the use of Python
>itself (e.g. in a corporate or governmental environment).

In the face of PEP 402, how could you enforce that?  Even if you can't or
don't want to enforce it, how would a user be able to verify that it was the
case for something in experimental?

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